Monday, 3 January 2022

Remember this? Boxing Day Sales Ads in 1996

Welcome to our annual summer series - Remember This? 

The past few years has seen the frenzy associated with the Boxing Day sales in our retailers has diminished as Australia embraces the Black Friday Sales that are part of life in the United States. One does not have to wait until after Christmas for a deal. One can find a good deal at any time or is prepared to wait for a sales period. Mid year stocktake sales may not get the attention that Boxing Day sales get, but you can still snap the same type of bargains.

A quarter of century ago,  Boxing Day Sales were the sale that was most anticipated. The 1990's might be regarded as when the frenzy was at its peak. The recession of 1990-1991 saw people become more frugal with their money. In 1992, shoppers at Grace Bros Sydney CBD were injured as part of a stampede. Even a security officer was injured. I'll leave it to a future entry.

Boxing Day sales did not commence on Boxing Day itself in Sydney in 1996. Retailers were closed for Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Once the shops closed on Christmas Eve, the decorations immediately came down and the promotional signage for the sales would appear. This is one tradition that does not change.

Below are three newspaper commercials promoting the Stocktake Sales at Grace Bros and David Jones which were published on either December 26 1996 or December 27 1996 in The Daily Telegraph.

Grace Bros

Grace Bros Stocktake Sale Ad December 26 1996 daily telegraph 18-19

Grace Bros stocktake sale ad December 27 1996 daily telegraph 8

David Jones

David Jones Stocktake Sale Ad December 26 1996 daily telegraph 22-23 

Below are two additional advertisements for BigW and Toys "R" Us, also published in The Daily Telegraph on December 26, 1996.


 BigW Stocktake sale Ad December 26 1996 daily telegraph 26-27

Toys "R" Us

Toys R US Stocktake Sale Ad December 26 1996 daily telegraph 31

1 comment:

  1. Love these thanks for sharing. I would love to see some form the 1980s as well if you have them. Love this site.
