Monday 1 April 2019

1990: Feature on development in Parramatta

In 1990, The Sunday Telegraph published a feature on the boom in construction in Parramatta and its emergence as a business centre. It made reference to the "Dallas Style" skyscrapers that had popped up (towers with glass facades) during the 1980's. The focus on development was on commercial buildings and international hotels.

This boom does pale in comparison with the development of the past decade, but approach this article from an evolutionary viewpoint. The boom of the 1990's was one leap in moving Parramatta forward in the years to come. The buildings that were "tall" in the 1990's are now longer "tall" with the new towers up to twice the height either built or proposed.

Source: Walls, M. 1990. "Parramatta: a city on the make". The Sunday Telegraph, June 10: 48.

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