Monday, 10 March 2025

1999: Customs House Square extension

Alfred Street closure feburary 15 1999 daily telegraph 17
Source: Ryan, R. 1999. "Quay to the city". The Daily Telegraph, February 15:16.

In 1999, Alfred Street at Circular Quay was closed to all vehicles between Young Street and Loftus Street. This enabled Customs House Square to be extended and therefore connect the square directly to Circular Quay Station. 

The closure commenced on the evening of 14 February 1999. This meant that vehicles could no longer use Alfred Street, particularly buses, taxis, and coaches, to cross the city in either an easterly or westerly direction. It meant that they had to use Bridge Street.

Alfred Street between Loftus and George Street became one way for westbound traffic only, while two-way traffic remained in the section between Young Street and Phillip Street.

Alfred Street closure feburary 15 1999 daily telegraph 17 enlarged
Sourced from: Ryan, R. 1999. "Quay to the city". The Daily Telegraph, February 15:16.

A consequence meant that bus services commencing or terminating in Alfred Street had to be shifted to new bus stops.

In 2015, Alfred Street was closed to all vehicles between Loftus and George Streets to enable the construction of the terminus for light rail services operating in the Sydney CBD, which opened in December 2019. In effect, it extended the square further. 

Below are some photos I recently took. It was interesting to note that the kerbs on Alfred Street at Customs House Square were retained.

This photo shows how the kerbs for Alfred Street were retained despite being integrated in Customs House Square.


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